

You are now previewing the tool as it will appear on your website! The click on the girl is currently disabled for this preview

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Step1: Download my assets

Download the following .zip package and unzip the contain into your website root folder.

Download your .zip package

Contain: .js version 2.1 (35 KB) + 5 .mp4 animations (7.22 MB)

Step2: Add the identifier

Add this identifier to the element which will make the tool appear when hovering over it in your website


Step3: Copy this code to your website

Paste this code just before your </head> or just before your </body>

<script>(function(T,o,t,e,m){var a,b,c=function(v){;var a=o.createElement(t),b=o.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];a.async=1;a.src='//';b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b)};T['TotemToolsObject']=m;T[m]=T[m]||function(){(T[m].q=T[m].q||[]).push(arguments)},T[m].l=1*new Date();a=o.createElement(t),b=o.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];a.async=1;a.addEventListener&&a.addEventListener('error',c);a.src=e;b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b)})(window,document,'script','/nmE8wd19kPVF.js','loadTool');

	path: 		'/nmE8wd19kPVF/',
	outlink: 	'',
	posX: 		'center',
	playtype: 	'random',
	bubble: 	{text:'GET ME NOW !'},
	rollover: 	{ target: 'poppingrollover', width: '300px', height: '350px', background: '#000000' },
	anims: 		[

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